Many people don’t know how to find the best roadside assistance plan. While you may not use the service, many companies offer a discount and sound great at the time. If a company offered a lifetime guarantee on the door hinges when you shop for a car warranty, that would be a great deal. Problem is, very few people keep their cars long enough to damage the hinges. Similar problems can be found with emergency roadside assistance plans.
Who needs roadside assistance?
People who don’t have relatives nearby will need an emergency roadside assistance plan. It could be children away from school, or one person far away. They want to be sure that their car won’t break down and they won’t be left behind.
This is where the problem lies. Many companies offer plans that cover many families and many vehicles. This can be great, but most customers only have one or two family members and one or two cars. This sounds great, but it is really just a sales pitch. All you need is coverage for one vehicle regardless of who drives it. Click here to read about Find the right vehicle to suit your needs.

When Do Most People Need Roadside Assistance?
Many people cannot do basic tasks like changing a tire or lifting a car out of the trunk. Due to the nature of cars and the fact that spare tires can be difficult to find, many elderly and disabled people won’t have the ability to do this.
This service is required when a car is damaged or disabled. It could be a flat or an engine problem. Towing services are required if this happens. Many companies offer towing services of 40-50 miles. This is not enough. 60% of breakdowns where assistance is required are located more than 50 miles away from their homes. It is because it is easier to get help or solve the problem the closer the incident is. You need assistance when you’re far away from your home or civilization. A few companies offer towing services up to 150 miles to help you get your vehicle home or fix it.
I highly recommend for roadside assistance plans that work for people who need them. The annual costs are low and each service is tailored for those who require it. In an emergency, the service can be used immediately and is guaranteed.